Adventures of Life, Love and A Jewelry Obsession
What do I do with a Blog? I'm not just Snap Jewelry
I have this great website and an opportunity to blog on whatever topic I want but I find myself stuck on what to write. Do I keep sharing my collection and how awesome it is and sound totally snobbish, do I talk about life and happenings and let my competitors see the next move I'm making or do I just talk about politics? OK OK I know the last one is not even an option. One, since I don't vote yet and Two, I have no desire for chaos to break out on the page.
I will say that I want to write often and I want you to find something interesting when you take the time to read the post. I started writing about how I got started and then fizzled out waiting, hoping and praying I would have a Shark Tank air date. I knew last June I filmed and knew the sharks were not interested in me but would I actually air? While I waited I got into a funk wondering what I should have done to better guarantee a Shark. What could we have done differently that would still allow us to create something for everyone at a price anyone can afford. I finally aired and still haven't watched the episode but know at this point I did the best I could with the idea I had.
I think I have my next blog. I'll talk about trying out for Shark Tank...that might be something interesting to share.
Have a Charming Day